
For the foreseeable future whilst this lockdown is in place, The Ocelot will no longer be producing a printed magazine. You probably already guessed that, right? It’s a bit hard to deliver a magazine out when all of the venues we deliver to have been closed by The Government. But, all of us at The Ocelot are determined to carry on and transfer all of our energies into this website, keeping you entertained during these times when all we’ve got are these four walls for company. So we’re going to take a breath for a few days and then starting next week we will be producing so much content you’ll soon be fed up to the back teeth of us. Obviously like every business in the world we are going to have to pivot to meet this new world that we live in but we are determined to keep us all smiling. In the meantime spare a thought for all of those who have supported us over the years. The businesses, the musicians, the chefs, publicans, the theatre community, the thousands of ancillary staff from sound engineers to that lovely lady who sells ice cream at the theatre interval and even that guy who keeps sending us pictures of voles in compromising positions (what is his deal?) Everybody’s going through a tough time at the moment but we are all in this together and together we will get through it. Now more than ever we need to look out for each other. Any ideas you might have for articles, or even if you want to share your own thoughts and scribbles, please send them all along to jamie@theocelot.co.uk and you might even end up getting published on our website. And as for the printed magazine, we’ll see you on the other side!